Supporting the new generation of leaders

Why support this initiative?

As a non-profit organization, all funds raised are reinvested in the development of the conference. These resources allow us to cover all expenses for students and speakers during the event, as well as to grow each year as an organization and make every edition of SABF better than the last one.

To achieve this goal, we seek companies that share our mission. The support of committed organizations has the power to inspire and transform lives, fostering the creation of a legacy of positive impact.

With each sponsor, we build a platform for change together, leaving a lasting mark on future generations while creating a mutually beneficial partnership.

The following organizations supported us during the 2024 SABF's Edition:


Grupo Don Mario International Deloitte


RICOH TANGO ID Olivia Consultoría Sipanel


McKinsey Genneia Le Wagon Uber


Cookie Brother Haulani Le Banana Lauritsen Merlin Foods Rakan Popcorn Mastellone Hermanos Nexton Cervi Hausebrot Bodega Pascual Toso Red Hat Colombraro Exxon Mobil Cabrales Coca Cola FEMSA Argentina Pan American Energy Fundación Pampa

For more information, contact the Fundraising department.

Ignacio Pedemonte Berthoud
Juan Cruz Villalba
Iziar Bagnacedri